Vem är det som trippar på min bro?
Hvem er det som tripper på min bro?
- an international art project at Frederiks Bastion, Copenhagen, 2002
by the artist/curator group TRIP:
Anne Mølleskov (DK), Joss James (UK) and Ingrid Weiss (UK).
The title of the project originates from the Norwegian folktale "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" - a tale about crossing bridges - desire, boundaries and transition.
Just like the three billy goats, TRIP trip-trapped across the bridge to where the grass is greener, but unlike the Gruffs, TRIP neither wished to trick nor harm the troll under the bridge.
At the heart of TRIP's venture was a desire to cross and re-cross the gulf between conceptual and cultural boundaries. Their feelings toward the troll was of curiosity, empathy and compassion, they offered him not confrontation, but an invitation jo join them for coffee and cake.
Not adverse to crossing a physical bridge or two when necessary, for this particular project TRIP travelled from London and Copenhagen to live and work together in an isolated hut in a remote Swedish forest.
Their encounters with the charming phenomena of the autumnal surroundings - fungi, fruits, fauna and folk tales by firelight - enabled TRIP to conjure up a potent mix of multi media mayhem to bring back to town.
The wish was to embrace new and diverse audiences creating a dialogue around issues of nature, culture and identity as well as forging new networks and interactions across cultural and geographical boundaries.
WHO CARES? was founded after this project and is a continuation of the dialogue.
The project was supported by Udviklingsfonden, Kulturfonden, Norden i Fokus, Københavns Kommunes Honorarstøtteordning, Statens Musikråd, Go-Card, the Exchange et. al.